Report by Dave and Di Statham

On Thursday 4 February we received a telephone call from Foxes Trust Chairman Ian Bason to say that he had been contacted by TV company Premier League TV who were looking for a LCFC Fan they could follow to the Arsenal game. He knew we would be attending the game and wondered if we would be willing to be followed.

It sounded like fun so we said “yes” and thus started “A morning in the life of a Leicester Fan”.  Our contact details were sent back to Premier League TV who provide broadcasts to countries throughout the world but not Great Britain & we waited for further contact.

The call came back 6 days later explaining the plan which included filming us at home before leaving to go to the King Power Stadium to pick up the coach, on the coach, and at the Emirates Stadium.

Details were sent to Leicester City so that arrangements could be made for the film crew to travel down on the Fox Travel coach. The 12.00 pm kick off meant coaches were leaving at 7.30 am. As a result just after 5am on Sunday 14 February 3 representatives from Premier League TV were at our front door along with cameras lights and microphones.

After rearranging all the furniture to get the right view we did an interview about our support of LCFC and views on the current season. Then we moved on to creating “The Life of an Away Supporter”. We were filmed making a cup of tea, washing up, putting on the coats & leaving the house. We then moved on to the stadium where we were filmed outside the ground and climbing on to the coach.

Some filming took place on the coach as we travelled down to London. On arrival at the Emirates Stadium filming involved climbing off the coach, buying hot drinks from a food van and then walking towards the entrance.

Our crew were not allowed access into the ground so our filming finished at the turnstiles. So ended an experience we will never forget. The filming was returned to their HQ for editing and was used as a promotion video leading up to the televised game at Watford on Saturday 5 March.

This Premier League TV appearance follows on from 3 previous appearances from Trust Chairman, Ian Bason as the story of LCFC’s season continues to unfold. Ian has also been filmed by Tv Sporten 2, a Norwegian broadcaster and an Austrian TV channel and is currently in the planning stage with Deutsche Welle (DW), a Berlin based TV channel in the run up to the Newcastle game.  He was also interviewed live direct to camera on the main Sky News channel following the away win at Manchester City.