Join Us – Membership

Before completing the following application form for membership, you are advised to read the Rules of the Foxes Trust, and the terms and conditions of membership as set out below.

Whether you would like to join us for the first time or Renew your membership you can do it online, using any major credit or debit card via Paypal – click here for our online membership form

Existing members can also sign up a friend and help the growth of the Trust (more members = more power) – click here for our sign a friend membership form

If you don’t want to pay online, simply download the application form, complete and return with your cheque.

Click here to download the form. in pdf format You will need Acrobat Reader to view the form. If you have trouble printing the form, have a look at the Adobe Acrobat help pages, here.

The completed form and cheque, together with a stamped, addressed envelope, should be sent to: Foxes Trust, PO Box 7036 Leicester, LEICESTER LE2 7WR.

Applications will be processed within 4 weeks of receipt at the above address.

If you are an existing member & have any queries please e-mail

Terms and Conditions

1. Any contribution made (whether in the form of the annual subscription or donations of money) is not a financial investment, and cannot be refunded to the member once the transfer has been made.
2. The member will receive one share only and will be entitled to one vote per resolution raised at any general meeting. The share issued to the member is not transferable to any other person, firm or corporate body.
3. Any contribution received by the Trust from a member will be held in common for the benefit of all members and will be used to meet the objectives of the Trust.
4. As a non-profit making organisation, no financial return, whether in the form of interest or a distribution of profits, will be made to its members.
5. On winding up or dissolution of the Trust, any surpluses will be transferred to a sporting charity or charities within the Area and/or one of more societies established for the benefit of the community.
6. The data contained on this application form will be held, analysed and used by the Trust Board and Executive Board solely for the purposes of the Foxes Trust, and this data may be transferred to electronic media such as a database. As defined in the Rules of the Trust, prescribed data on members will be publicly available at the Trust’s registered office.

Foxes Trust is the trading name of the Leicester City Supporters’ Society Limited.
A registered Industrial and Provident Friendly Society – Registration No. 29499R
Registered Office: 22 Woodford Close, Wigston, Leicestershire, LE18 2RS