
Welcome to the Foxes Trust Diary. Here you will find details of Foxes Trust Board and Sub Group meetings and any meetings with LCFC

The Diary will also have details of Premier League Trust meetings, conferences & meetings held by The Football Supporters Association including training sessions

July 2024

1st – Foxes Trust Comms Sub Group Meeting

3rd – FSA Premier League Network Meeting

5th – Foxes Trust Women’s Game Sub Group Meeting

11th – Fans Advisory Board Consultation with LCFC

15th – Foxes Trust Board Meeting

18th – Women’s Game Meeting with LCFC

20th – Football Supporters Association National Conference & AGM (Wembley)

20th – LCFC Women Q & A / Players Meet & Greet

22nd – Foxes Trust Membership Sub Group Meeting

24th – LCFC Fans Consultative Committee Meeting

29th – Foxes Trust Engagement Sub Group Meeting

June 2024

17th – Foxes Trust Engagement Sub Group Meeting

24th – FSA Women’s Network Meeting

May 2024

1st – All LCFC Fans Groups Meeting with LCFC – Season Tickets

2nd – FSA EFL Network Meeting

20th – FSA Premier League Network Meeting

20th – Foxes Trust Board Meeting

April 2024

8th – Foxes Trust Board Meeting

24th – All LCFC Fans Groups Meeting with LCFC – Season Tickets

March 2024

25th – Foxes Trust AGM at Seagrave – guest Ricardo Pereira

28th – LCFC Accounts with LCFC Finance Director

February 2024

5th – FSA Refereeing Working Group

15th – FSA Trust Finance Training

22nd – Foxes Trust Engagement Sub Group Meeting

28th – FSA EFL Network Meeting

January 2024

8th – Foxes Trust Comms Sub Group Meeting

17th – LCFC General Ticket Sales Meeting with Union FS

22nd – FSA Women’s Network Meeting

29th – Foxes Trust Board Meeting

December 2023

11th – LCFC Fans Consultative Committee Meeting with Enzo (6pm)

11th – Foxes Trust Women’s Game Sub Group Meeting

11th – Foxes Trust Board Meeting

November 2023

6th – Meeting with Leicester For All

8th – FSA EFL Championship Network Meeting

9th – FSA Trust Planning & Purpose Training

10th – Meeting with LCFC – Fans Advisory Board Formation

20th – Foxes Trust Comms Sub Group Meeting

23rd – Foxes Trust Engagement Sub Group Meeting

October 2023

5th – FSA Trust Governance Training

9th – Foxes Trust Board Meeting

10th – Meeting with LCFC & Leicester City Women Supporters Club

10th – FSA VAR Sub-Group Meeting

13th – Structured Dialogue Meeting with Football Supporters Association and the Football Association

16th – Foxes Trust Comms Sub Group Meeting

September 2023

6th – LCFC Fans Consultative Committee Meeting  (6.30pm)

7th – FSA Trust Governance Training

13th – FSA VAR Sub-Group Meeting with Professional Game Match Officials Limited (Stockley Park)

21st – FSA Trust Finance Training

25th – Foxes Trust Comms Sub Group Meeting

August 2023

8th – Foxes Trust Comms Sub Group Meeting

18th – Meeting with LCFC Communications Director

21st – Foxes Trust Board Meeting

28th – Foxes Trust Comms Sub Group Meeting

July 2023

10th – Foxes Trust Board Meeting

27th – Foxes Trust Board Meeting

June 2023

22nd to 25th – European Football Fans Conference & BGM and Football Supporters Association National Conference & AGM (Manchester)

May 2023

9th – FSA Premier League Network Meeting

18th – Premier League Structured Dialogue Meeting

19th – Fans Advisory Board Consultation with LCFC

25th – FSA VAR Sub-Group Meeting with Professional Game Match Officials Limited

26th – FSA Women’s Network Meeting

29th – Foxes Trust Board Meeting

April 2023

11th – Meeting with LCFC Women’s Supporters Club

24th – FSA Women’s Network Meeting with Karen Carney (chair of in-depth review into the future of domestic women’s football)

25th – Foxes Trust Meeting with Liz Kendall (MP for Leicester West)

March 2023

2nd – FSA Women’s Network Meeting

6th – FSA National Council Meeting

7th – LCFC Annual Accounts Meeting with Simon Capper/Anthony Herlihy

8th – LCFC Fans Consultative Committee Meeting  (6.30pm)

27th – Foxes Trust Board Meeting

February 2023

20th – FSA Premier League Network Meeting

20th – Foxes Trust Board Meeting

27th – Foxes Trust AGM at Seagrave – guest Danny Simpson

January 2023

16th – Foxes Trust Board Meeting (7.30pm)

December 2022

7th – Meeting with LCFC Communications Director

12th – Foxes Trust Board Meeting (7.30pm)

November 2022

1st – FSA Premier League Network Representatives (Manchester)

7th – FSA Premier League Network Meeting

10th – Premier League Structured Dialogue Meeting

October 2022

19th – FSA VAR Sub-Group Meeting with Professional Game Match Officials Limited

31st – Foxes Trust Board Meeting (7.30pm)

September 2022

20th – FSA Premier League Network Meeting

22nd – Digital Ticketing Meeting with LCFC, Union FS and Disabled Supporters Association

August 2022

1st – Meeting with Rams Trust (Fan Led Review)

22nd – FSA National Council Meeting

22nd – Foxes Trust Board Meeting (7.30pm)

July 2022

7th – Meeting with LCFC Communications Director

16th/17th – Football Supporters Association National Conference & AGM

June 2022

6th – Foxes Trust Board Meeting (7.30pm)

16th – LCFC Matchday Experience Consultation Group

29th – FSA Premier League Network Meeting

May 2022

3rd – LCFC Fan Consultation on Ticketing Operations

4th – FSA PL Network meeting

12th – LCFC Fan Consultation on Ticketing Operations

31st – FSA Premier League Broadcasting Working Group Meeting

April 2022

11th – FSA Premier League Network Meeting

19th – LCFC Fan Consultation on Ticketing Operations

20th – Premier League Supporters Engagement Meeting

25th – Foxes Trust Board Meeting (7.30pm)

27th – Meeting with the General Secretary of UEFA

March 2022

7th – Foxes Trust Board Meeting (7.30pm)

February 2022

4th – Fan Led Review Meeting with Liz Kendall team (Sarah Russel), MP for Leicester West

7th – Foxes Trust AGM – guests Emile Heskey & Lydia Bedford

10th – FSA National Council Meeting

10th – Liverpool “hunger doesn’t wear club colours’ Food Bank Donation

11th – Fan Led Review Meeting with Luke Evans team, MP for Bosworth

16th – LCFC Annual Accounts Meeting with Simon Capper/Anthony Herlihy

16th – LCFC Fans Consultative Committee Meeting  (6.30pm) at Seagrave

January 2022

5th – FSA Premier League Broadcast Working Group

11th – FSA VAR Sub-Group Meeting with PGMOL

17th – FSA Premier League Group Stewarding & Policing Meeting

24th – Foxes Trust Board Meeting (7.30pm)

31st – Fan Led Review Meeting with Alicia Kearns team, MP for Rutland and Melton

December 2021

6th – FSA National Council Meeting

20th – Foxes Trust Board Meeting

November 2021

8th – Foxes Trust Board Meeting (7.30pm)

19th – Football Supporters Association AGM

26th – Fan-led Review Final Report Briefing by Tracy Crouch

29th – FSA Awards Evening

October 2021

4th – FSA VAR Sub-Group Meeting initial meeting with Professional Game Match Officials Limited (PGMOL)

7th – LCFC Fans Group Meeting (7pm)

27th – FSA VAR Sub-Group Meeting with PGMOL

September 2021

2nd – FCC Meeting – Covid 19 Protocols

9th – Premier League briefing on likely Covid restrictions from 1/10

20th – FSA PL Network meeting

23rd – FSA National Council meeting

27th – Foxes Trust Board Meeting (7.30pm)

29th – Premier League Supporter Engagement meeting

August 2021

4th – FSA Premier League Network – Return of Fans

16th – Foxes Trust Board Meeting (7.30pm)

July 2021

5th – Foxes Trust Board Meeting (7.30pm)

22nd – FSA Premier League Broadcast Working Group with Premier League

June 2021

4th – Foxes Trust Meeting with Jane Hunt (MP for Loughborough)

7th – Foxes Trust Board Meeting (7.30pm)

9th – Premier League Fans Group Meeting

10th – Petitions Committee: Debate on football governance Consultation Session with Jonathan Gullis MP

14th – Fans Led Review Meeting with Premier League Fans Group

May 2021

19th – LCFC Family Stand Meeting

April 2021

12th – Financial Conduct Authority Trusts Training Session

19th – Foxes Trust Board Meeting (7.30pm)

20th – Premier League Fans Meeting with Keir Starmer (a separate meeting with Boris Johnson was held on the same day with fans of 3 of the potential ESL clubs)

22nd – Premier League Supporters Engagement Meeting

23rd – Foxes Trust Meeting with Liz Kendall (MP for Leicester West)

27th – All Party Parliamentary Group for Football Supporters – Panel event: Fan activism and the women’s game

March 2021

3rd – Premier League Supporters Engagement Meeting

8th – Football Supporters Association & Financial Conduct Authority Meeting

8th – Foxes Trust Members Zoom Familiarisation Session

9th – LCFC Match Day Experiences Meeting

11th – Football Supporters Association UEFA Competition Reform Meeting

16th – Foxes Trust AGM – guests Wes Morgan & Steve Walsh

31st – LCFC Fans Consultative Committee Meeting  (6.30pm)

February 2021

16th – Premier League Fans Group VAR Working Party Briefing from Professional Game Match Officials Limited

22nd – Premier League Fans Group Meeting

24th – Football Supporters Association #TerraceTalk Mental Health Awareness Campaign

January 2021

14th – Premier League Fans Group Briefing on Pandemic Implications

25th – Foxes Trust Board Meeting (7.30pm)

December 2020

11th – Football Supporters Association AGM

14th – Foxes Trust Board Meeting (7pm)

November 2020

10th – Premier League Fans Group Meeting

October 2020

5th – Foxes Trust Board Meeting (7.30pm)

August 2020

28th – LCFC Fans Consultative Committee Meeting  (5pm)

July 2020

23rd – Foxes Trust Board Meeting (7.30pm)

June 2020

1st – Foxes Trust Board Meeting (7pm)

3rd – 90 Minutes – Behind Closed Doors (6.30pm)

4th – LCFC Fans Consultative Committee Meeting (6.30pm)

April 2020

22nd – Foxes Trust Board Meeting (7.30pm)

March 2020

10th – Foxes Trust Board Meeting (7.30pm)

February 2020

4th – LCFC Fans Consultative Committee Meeting

10th – Foxes Trust AGM (guest speaker Jonathan Northcroft who is the Chief Football Writer for The Sunday Times)

January 2020

21st – Leicester City in the Community Meeting (6pm)

21st – Foxes Trust Board Meeting (7.30pm)

30th – Premier League Fans Group Meeting (Manchester)

December 2019

9th – Foxes Trust Board Meeting

November 2019

6th – Foxes Trust Board Meeting

October 2019

9th – Foxes Trust Board Meeting

17th – Premier League Fans Meeting

17th – European Leagues Club Advisory Platform

September 2019

4th – Meeting with LCFC Communications Director and Supporter Relations & Accessibility Manager

August 2019

6th – LCFC Your 90 Minutes – Fans Groups

21st – Foxes Trust Board Meeting

July 2019

10th – Foxes Trust Board Meeting

June 2019

29th – Unified Football Supporters’ Organisation AGM (London)

May 2019

22nd – Foxes Trust Board Meeting

April  2019

10th – Brendan Rodgers Q & A

17th – Foxes Trust Board Meeting

21st – Meeting with Premier League

February 2019

4th – Foxes Trust AGM (guest speaker Matt Piper)

7th – Premier League Fans Meeting

21st – LCFC Fans Groups Meeting

January 2019

22nd – Foxes Trust Board Meeting

23rd – LCFC Your 90 Minutes – Membership

December 2018

13th – Foxes Trust Board Meeting

November 2018

7th – Foxes Trust Board Meeting

13th – LCFC Fans Consultative Committee Meeting

22nd – Supporters Direct & Football Supporters Federation EGM’s (formation of Single National Fans Organisation)

October 2018

11th – Meeting with Premier League

18th – LCFC Fans Groups Meeting

31st – LCFC Fans Groups Vichai Tribute Meeting

September 2018

19th – Foxes Trust Board Meeting

27th – Premier League Fans Group Meeting

July 2018

24th – LCFC Your 90 Minutes – Stadium Expansion

25th – LCFC Your 90 Minutes – Fans Groups (6.30pm)

25th – Foxes Trust Board Meeting (8pm)

28th – Supporters Direct & Football Supporters Federation AGM’s (London)

June 2018

20th – Foxes Trust Board Meeting

25th – LCFC Your 90 Minutes – Ticketing

May 2018

1stAll Party Parliamentary Group for Football Supporters – Standing

16th – Foxes Trust Board Meeting

20th – Supporters Direct Members Day (Birmingham)

30th – LCFC Fans Consultative Committee Meeting

April  2018

7th – LCFC New Training Ground Fan Consultation (10am-3pm outside the Family stand)

March 2018

12th – LCFC Your 90 Minutes – Catering

20th – Meeting with Premier League

28th – Foxes Trust Board Meeting

February 2018

5th – Foxes Trust AGM (speaker Micky Adams)

8th – FSF Premier League Fans Meeting

12th – LCFC Your 90 Minutes – Rewards Scheme

21st – Foxes Trust Board Meeting

January 2018

3rd – Foxes Trust Board Meeting

17th – LCFC Your 90 Minutes – Membership Scheme

November 2017

21st – Foxes Trust Board Meeting

October 2017

4th – Foxes Trust Board Meeting

10th – Meeting with Premier League

tbc – LCFC Fans Consultative Committee

September 2017

21st – Premier League Trusts Meeting

August 2017

9th – LCFC Your 90 Minutes – Junior Matchday Experience

30th – Foxes Trust Board Meeting

July 2017

1st/2nd – Supporters Summit (St Georges Park)

12th – LCFC Your 90 Minutes – Matchday Experience

26th – Foxes Trust Board Meeting

June 2017

5th – LCFC Your 90 Minutes – Ticketing

7th – Foxes Trust Board Meeting

20th – LCFC Fans Consultative Committee

May 2017

4th – Club Branding Research – Essence of LCFC Supporters Viewpoint

April 2017

24th – Foxes Trust Board Meeting

25th – Meeting with Premier League

March 2017

7th – Foxes Trust Board Meeting

February 2017

1st – LCFC Fans Consultative Committee

6th – Foxes Trust AGM (speaker John Hutchinson)

15th – LCFC Your 90 Minutes – On Line Presence

January 2017

10th – Meeting with Susan Whelan (LCFC CEO)

11th – Foxes Trust Board Meeting

16th – Premier League Trusts Meeting

November 2016

9th – Foxes Trust Board Meeting

October 2016

4th – Premier League Trusts Meeting

5th – Foxes Trust Board Meeting

19th – LCFC Fans Consultative Committee

August 2016

10th- Foxes Trust Board Meeting

July 2016

16/17th – Supporters Summit (Wembley)

21st – Meeting with Premier League

June 2016

29th- Foxes Trust Board Meeting

May 2016

18th- Foxes Trust Board Meeting

LCFC Fans Consultative Committee (still outstanding – updated Jul 17th)

April 2016

6th- Foxes Trust Board Meeting

7th – Nottingham Forest Trust Launch

21st – Premier League Trusts Meeting

March 2016

2nd – Foxes Trust Board Meeting

9th – Fans Consultative Committee

February 2016

8th – Foxes Trust AGM (presentation on role of football photographer, Simon Kimber)

20th – Meeting with Nottingham Forest Trust working party members

January 2016

6th – Fans Consultative Committee Sub Group – Stadium Concourse Re-Design

27th – Foxes Trust Board Meeting

28th – Premier League Trusts Meeting

December 2015

9th – Fans Consultative Committee (6.30pm)

November 2015

6th – Trust Meeting with LCFC Head of Supporter Engagement & Supporters Liaison Officer

30th – Foxes Trust Board Meeting

October 2015

3rd – Twenty is Plenty Weekend Premier League Fixtures Campaign

10th – Premier League Trusts Meeting

14th – Foxes Trust Board Meeting

September 2015

9th – Fans Consultative Committee (6.30pm)

9th – Foxes Trust Board Meeting (8pm)

July 2015

17th – Premiership/Championship Trusts Meeting/Supporters Direct AGM (Manchester)

18th – Supporters Summit (Manchester)

19th – Football Supporters Federation AGM (Manchester)

29th – Foxes Trust Board Meeting

June 2015

10th – Foxes Trust Board Meeting

May 2015

26th – Fans Consultative Committee

April 2015

1st – Fans Consultative Committee

21st – Foxes Trust Board Meeting

March 2015

3rd – Foxes Trust Board Meeting

28th – Premiership Trusts Meeting (London)

February 2015

12th – Foxes Trust AGM (King Power Stadium 7.30pm), guest speaker Premiership Referee, Kevin Friend

January 2015

13th – Foxes Trust Board Meeting

November 2014

20th – Premiership Trusts Meeting (London)

25th – Foxes Trust Board Meeting

26th – Fans Consultative Committee

September 2014

30th – Foxes Trust Board Meeting

August 2014

12th – Foxes Trust Board Meeting

July 2014

3rd – Fans Consultative Committee

25th – Premiership Trusts Meeting (Wembley Stadium)

25th – Supporters Direct / Football Supporters Federation AGMs (Wembley Stadium)

26th – Supporters Summit (Wembley Stadium)

June 2014

5th – East Midlands Trusts Meeting (Chesterfield)

17th – Foxes Trust Board Meeting

May 2014

13th – Foxes Trust Board Meeting

March 2014

18th – Foxes Trust Board Meeting

February 2014

10th – Foxes Trust AGM (King Power Stadium 7.30pm)

26th – Fans Consultative Committee Meeting

January 2014

14th – Foxes Trust Board Meeting

November 2013

5th – Asset of Community Value Nomination approved by Leicester City Council

20th – Championship Trusts Meeting (Birmingham)

26th – Foxes Trust Board Meeting

28th – Fans Consultative Committee

October 2013

8th – Foxes Trust Board Meeting

September 2013

5th – Meeting with Susan Whelan (LCFC – CEO)

6th – Asset of Community Value Nomination submitted to Leicester City Council

August 2013

13th – Foxes Trust Board Meeting

21st – Fans Consultative Committee (Training Ground)

July 2013

4th – Foxes Trust Board Meeting

June 2013

21st/22nd – Supporters Direct/FSF Fans Summit (Burton)

May 2013

23rd – East Midlands Trust Meeting (Chesterfield)

30th – Fans Consultative Committee

April 2013

30th – Foxes Trust Board Meeting

March 2013

18th – Foxes Trust Board Meeting

23rd – Championship & Premiership Trusts Meeting (Birmingham)

February 2013

5th – Supporters Direct Parliamentary Event

25th – Foxes Trust AGM (King Power Stadium 7.30pm)

28th – Fans Consultative Committee

January 2013

22nd – Foxes Trust Board Meeting

December 2012

11th – Foxes Trust Board Meeting

12th – Fans Consultative Committee

November 2012

13th – Foxes Trust Board Meeting

18th – FSF EGM – National Football Centre (Burton)

October 2012

11th – Championship Trusts Meeting (Birmingham)

September 2012

25th – Foxes Trust Board Meeting

August 2012

7th – Foxes Trust Board Meeting

18th – Safe Standing Roadshow (Counting House)

July 2012

3rd – Foxes Trust Board Meeting

7th/8th – Supporters Direct/FSF Fans Weekend Annual Conferences (London)

May 2012

15th  – Foxes Trust Board Meeting

29th – East Midlands Trust Meeting (Chesterfield)

April 2012

3rd – Foxes Trust Board Meeting

February 2012

20th – Foxes Trust AGM (King Power Stadium 7.30pm)

25th – Birch 40th Anniversary Dinner for Foxes Foundation 

January 2012

12th – Fans Consultative Committee
24th – Foxes Trust Board Meeting

December 2011

5th – Meeting with LCFC Supporter Engagement Manager

6th – Foxes Trust Board Meeting

October 2011
25th – Foxes Trust Board Meeting
29th – Birmingham City Trust Launch Meeting
September 2011

15th  – Foxes Trust Board Meeting 

August 2011

2nd  – Foxes Trust Board Meeting  

July 2011

13th – Meeting with Susan Whelan (LCFC Chief Exec)

15th/16th – Supporters Direct Annual Conference (Chester)

June 2011

14th  – Foxes Trust Board Meeting (includes session with John Hutchinson, Club Historian)

May 2011

3rd  – Foxes Trust Board Meeting

11th – Supporters Direct Launch (Developing Public Policy to
Encourage Community Ownership in Football, Developing Football Regulation
to Encourage Greater Supporter Involvement and Community Ownership) – (Parliament, Westminster)

March 2011

22nd  – Foxes Trust Board Meeting

24th – East Midlands Trust Meeting (Pride Park, Derby)

February 2011

8th  – Foxes Trust Board Meeting

21st – Foxes Trust AGM ( Walkers Stadium 7.30pm)

December 2010
9th – Fans Consultative Committee

14th  – Foxes Trust Board Meeting

November 2010

15th – East Midlands Trust Meeting (Mansfield)
16th  – Foxes Trust Board Meeting

October 2010

21st – Foxes Trust Board Meeting

August 2010
5th – Fans Consultative Committee

23rd – East Midlands Trust Meeting (Chesterfield)
31st  – Foxes Trust Board Meeting

July 2010

26th – Foxes Trust Board Meeting
June 2010
12th/13th – Supporters Direct Conference –  London
May 2010
18th- Foxes Trust Board Meeting
April 2010
1st – Foxes Trust Board Meeting
February 2010
4th – Foxes Trust Board Meeting

22nd – Foxes Trust AGM (Banks Lounge at the Walkers Stadium 7.30pm)

January 2010

5th – Foxes Trust Board Meeting

21st – Fans Consultative Committee

December 2009
29th – Meeting with LCFC Chief Executive

November 2009

23rd – Foxes Trust Board Meeting

October 2009
13th – Foxes Trust Board Meeting
16th – Supporters Direct Annual Conference – Birmingham
 27th – East Midlands Trust Meeting – Ilkeston

September 2009

1st – Foxes Trust Board Meeting

17th – Fans Consultative Committee

July 2009

21st – Foxes Trust Board Meeting

June 2009

9th – Foxes Trust Board Meeting
23rd – Meeting with LCFC

May 2009

14th – Fans Consultative Committee

28th – East Midlands Trust Meeting – Newark

April 2009

28th – Foxes Trust Board Meeting
March 2009
17th – Foxes Trust Board Meeting

February 2009

12th – Football In The Community Meeting
19th – East Midlands Trust Meeting – Mansfield
23rd – Foxes Trust AGM
26th – Fans Consultative Committee

January 2009

15th – LCFC Fans Meeting

20th – Foxes Trust Board Meeting

30th – Charity Selection Panel 

December 2008

9th – Foxes Trust Board Meeting
18th – Fans Consultative Committee

November 2008
6th – East Midlands Trust Meeting (Notts County)

October 2008

30th – Foxes Trust Board Meeting
September 2008
10th – LCFC/Takeover Radio Meeting
11th – Fans Consultative Committee
16th – Foxes Trust Board Meeting
August 2008
4th – Business Liaison Meeting with Lee Hoos
5th – Foxes Trust Board Meeting
July 2008
17th – Trust Chairman Meeting with Lee Hoos
31st  – Supporters Group Leaders Meeting with Lee Hoos

June 2008
25th – Foxes Trust Board Meeting at Takeover Radio

May 2008
1st – Fans Consultative Committee

6th  – Foxes Trust Board Meeting
12th – East Midlands Trust Meeting

March 2008
13th – East Midlands Trust Meeting (Mansfield)

25th  – Foxes Trust Board Meeting

February 2008
5th – Foxes Trust Board Meeting

25th – Foxes Trust AGM

January 2008

3rd – Foxes Trust Board Meeting

14th – East Midlands Trust Meeting

November 2007
15th – East Midlands Trust Meeting

20th – Foxes Trust Board Meeting

October 2007
11th  – Foxes Trust Board Meeting

September 2007

9th – FSF Meeting
10th – East Midlands Trust Meeting

20th – Fans Consultative Committee

August 2007

7th  – Foxes Trust Board Meeting with Milan Mandaric

July 2007

26th – East Midlands Trust Meeting

June 2007

12th – Foxes Trust Board Meeting

May 2007
17th – East Midlands Trust Meeting

April 2007
3rd – Foxes Trust Board Meeting

19th – Fans Consultative Committee

March 2007
12th  – Foxes Trust Board Meeting
12th – East Midlands Trust Meeting

February 2007
1st – Fans Consultative Committee

6th  – Foxes Trust Board Meeting
7th –  LCFC Shareholder Meeting with Milan Mandaric

8th  – Friends of LCFC Meeting – Grace Road
26th – Foxes Trust AGM

January 2007
11th  – Foxes Trust Board Meeting
18th – East Midlands Trust Meeting – Newark

December 2006
4th – LCFC AGM

12th – FAR Meeting
12th  – Foxes Trust Board Meeting
15th – LCFC Fans Consultative Committee – 6.30PM at LCFC

November 2006
2nd – FAR Meeting 5.30PM
16th – Foxes Trust Board Meeting

18th – LCFC EGM
20th – East Midlands Trust Meeting

October 2006
3rd – Foxes Trust Board Meeting
5th – LCFC Fans Consultative Committee – 6.30PM at LCFC
13th – Supporters Direct Conference – British Library, London

September 2006
21st  – East Midlands Trust Meeting – Pride Park

August 2006
1st- LCFC Fans Consultative Committee – 6.30PM at LCFC read minutes here http://foxestrust.co.uk/site/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=221&Itemid=2

29th  – Foxes Trust Board Meeting

July 2006
15th – Midlands Trust Regional Conference – Walkers Stadium read reports here http://foxestrust.co.uk/site/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=215&Itemid=2


19th  – Foxes Trust Board Meeting
30th – LCFC Community Day (12-4pm) read report here

June 2006
6th  – Foxes Trust Board Meeting

May 2006
7th – Foxes Trust 5-a-Side Tournament – The Dome, Belvoir Drive, 1pm start
9th  – Foxes Trust Board Meeting
18th – East Midlands Trust Meeting – Chesterfield

April 2006
4th  – Foxes Trust Board Meeting
20th – LCFC Fans Consultative Committee – 6.30PM at LCFC

March 2006
2nd – LCFC Fans Consultative Committee – 6.30PM at LCFC
14th  – Foxes Trust Board Meeting
30th – East Midlands Trust Meeting – Rushden & Diamonds

February 2006
7th  – Foxes Trust Board Meeting
20th – Foxes Trust AGM 7.30PM

January 2006
10th  – Foxes Trust Board Meeting
12th – FAR Meeting 5.30PM at LCFC
12th – West/East Midlands Trust Annual Meeting – Walkers Stadium 7.30PM
30th – Football League/BBC Championship Forum – Bramall Lane 8PM

December 2005
6th  – Foxes Trust Board Meeting
15th – LCFC Fans Consultative Committee – 6.30PM at LCFC

November 2005
3rd – FAR Meeting 5.30PM at LCFC
5th – LCFC AGM 5.30PM
8th  – Foxes Trust Board Meeting
17th – LCFC Open Meeting on Stewarding & Acceptable Fan Behaviour – 7.30pm
18th – State of the Game The Corporate Governance of Football Clubs 2005 Report Launch – Birkbeck University

October 2005
4th  – Foxes Trust Board Meeting
6th – LCFC Fans Consultative Committee – 6.30PM at LCFC
20th – East Midlands Trust Meeting – Mansfield Town FC

September 2005
21st – FAR Meeting 5.30PM at LCFC
30th – Supporters Direct Conference – British Library, London

August 2005
4th – East Midlands Trust Meeting – Worksop Town FC
9th – Foxes Trust Grand Raffle Prize Draw Held (on the pitch at the Stoke game around 7.20pm)
10th – LCFC Community Meeting

16th  – Foxes Trust Board Meeting
25th – LCFC Fans Consultative Committee – 6.30PM at LCFC

July 2005

9th – East Midlands Trust Regional Conference – Notts County FC

12th  – Foxes Trust Board Meeting
16th – Foxes Trust stand at Fosse Park (buy your raffle tickets here!)
18th – Foxes Against Racism (5.30pm Walkers Stadium)

31st – LCFC Community Day (12-4pm) – visit our stand

June 2005

6th – Foxes Against Racism (5.30pm Walkers Stadium)
7th  – Foxes Trust Board Meeting

May 2005

1st  – Supporters Club Player of the Year Awards 

3rd  – Foxes Trust Board Meeting
10th – LCFC Fans Forum/Open Meeting (6.30pm Walkers Stadium)
12th – East Midlands Trust Meeting – Notts County FC

31st – LCFC Community Plan Meeting (10am Walkers Stadium)

April 2005

11th  – Foxes Trust Board Meeting

18th – Foxes Against Racism (5.30pm Walkers Stadium)

March 2005

9th  – Foxes Trust Board Meeting

17th – LCFC Fans Forum (6.45pm Walkers Stadium)
17th – East Midlands Trust Meeting – Chesterfield FC
February 2005
8th  – Foxes Trust Board Meeting
17th – East Midlands/West Midlands Trust Meeting – Coventry Supporters Club
21st  – Foxes Trust AGM (featuring Q & A with Craig Levein) – (7.30pm Walkers Stadium)
27th – Foxes Trust 5 A Side Tournament – (1pm The Dome, Belvoir Drive)

January 2005
14th – Deadline for submissions to be received to stand for the Foxes Trust Board (details in membership newsletter)

20th – East Midlands Trust Meeting – Sixfields Stadium (Northampton)

20th – LCFC Fans Forum (6.45pm Walkers Stadium)
25th  – Foxes Trust Board Meeting
December 2004
2nd – LCFC Ground Sharing Open Meeting – Walkers Stadium 7pm
7th  – Foxes Trust Board Meeting

November 2004

4th  – Foxes Trust Board Meeting

9th – East Midlands Trust Meeting – Walkers Stadium
18th – LCFC Fans Forum – Walkers Stadium 6.45pm
23rd  – Foxes Trust Board Meeting

October 2004

6th  – Foxes Trust Board Meeting

28th – Supporters Direct Conference – British Library, London

September 2004

7th  – Foxes Trust Board Meeting

20th – East Midlands Trust Meeting – Derby

August 2004

3rd  – Foxes Trust Board Meeting 

16th – East Midlands Trust Meeting – Grimsby FC

July 2004

3rd  – Co-op Gala Day – Stoughton (2-5pm)
6th  – Foxes Trust Board Meeting
17th – East Midlands Trust Training Day – Lincoln City FC
20th – Brentford vs AFC Wimbledon (Protest against playing MK Dons) – 7.30pm
24th – Fans Game at Brighton

June 2004

1st  – Foxes Trust Board Meeting

23rd – East Midlands Trust Meeting – Coalville  (7.30pm)

May 2004

4th  – Foxes Trust Board Meeting

20th – East Midlands Trust Meeting – Coalville  (7.30pm)
23rd – LCFC Community Day – Walkers Stadium (11-5.30) – visit the Trust Stand

April 2004

6th  – Foxes Trust Board Meeting
18th – Leicester City All Stars 11 (James Lynch Foundation Event) – Oadby Town
20th – Wortho & Muzzy Evening (James Lynch Foundation Event) – Walkers Stadium
21st – East Midlands Trust Meeting – Chesterfield FC  (7.30pm)

March 2004

2nd – Foxes Trust Board Meeting
14th – Foxes Trust 5-a-side Tournament – Belvoir Drive (2pm)
18th – Standing Issue Open Meeting – Walkers Stadium (6.45pm) followed by Fans Forum
22nd – East Midlands Trust Meeting – Kettering  (7.30pm)

February 2004

16th – Foxes Trust AGM + Q & A with Dave Bassett & Tim Davies – Walkers Stadium (7.30pm)
23rd – East Midlands Trust Meeting – Walkers Stadium (7.30pm)