Pyros and pitch invasions

The Football Supporters’ Association (FSA) has published guidance outlining the law with regard to the use of pyrotechnics and pitch invasions by supporters.

Football authorities and leagues have become increasingly concerned at the upsurge in the appearance of pyros during matches and pitch invasions.

Supporters are seemingly unaware of the serious consequences of celebrating their team in this way and how this can impact on their employment and educational opportunities.

Either of the above offences could result in a lengthy Football Banning Order (FBO). This would not only prevent the offender attending their own home ground but any match in the UK and abroad. FBOs require the offender to surrender their passport when their club or the England team play overseas – something that could seriously impede any holiday plans. FBOs can also restrict an offender’s freedom of movement during matchdays, including access to city centres.

FSA is able to offer access to legal advice if you are arrested at a match. For more information on any of the above got to the FSA website at: