Appearing on the Radio Leicester Breakfast Show this morning (Tuesday 24th November), Trust Chairman Ian Bason discussed the lack of use of the old Filbert Street ground which had remained derelict since 2003.
Although the initial phase of the re-development site was built immediately after the ground was flattened, the student accommodation named Filbert Village only occupies about a third of the original site. The entire site was originally due to be completed in 2006, however Downing Developments, who own the site have delayed building blaming the recession.
The most recent planning application was approved in March 2008 and comprises a block of 377 flats up to 12 storeys high, along with another block of 28 flats and 10 townhouses. This application will be valid for 3 years.
However questions remain as to whether the remaining accommodation development will ever actually proceed, however if building does commence, Ian Bason stated that the he felt part of the land should be utilised to house a Leicester City Museum, so there was a permanent building where fans could view historic items and take to the next stage the excellent work that John Hutchinson had undertaken.
BBC Radio Leicester reporter Julie Mayer, asked Ian Bason about the Trust funding a tidy up of the site, but Bason replied that as the land was owned by the Devleopers, any costs and work involved was clearly their responsibility.
Julie Mayer also put forward the suggestion that the land could be used to provide a recreational area for the local community and Ian Bason said he felt fans would back a sports usage of the site, and indeed he felt many fans would love to the take the opportunity to have a kick around on the land which used to be the pitch.
If you would like to hear the full feature it is available on the BBC website via this link which will work for a period of time. The feature commences at 2 mins 40 seconds and completes at 9 mins 25 secs