Every few years the FSF hold a national supporters survey to assess the state of the game and its fans – and you can take part by clicking on the following link 2017 National Supporters Survey now.
The last of these censuses was carried out in 2012 with more than 4,000 supporters from 130 different clubs completing our survey. Football and football supporters have moved on significantly in the intervening five years – particularly the way we talk to and about our clubs through social media and watch matches across various digital platforms.
Questions covered include how many matches you go to, if you’re part of any fan groups like the Foxes Trust, where do you get news about your club, do you back video technology? Are you against the idea of a winter break?
The 2012 football fan – what did we think?
Here’s a sample of some of the results:
· 51.2% and 58.5% had watched a match via illegal streams in a pub or at home on the internet respectively
· Only 12.4% thought holding FA Cup semi-finals at Wembley Stadium was a good idea
· A large majority of supporters agreed that video technology should be used to help referees (79.9%)
· Just over half of football fans, 51.6%, thought swearing and similar types of abuse was part of watching football.
FSF Chief executive Kevin Miles said: “When it comes to the health of the game there’s no-one whose opinion matters more than that of football supporters.
“Our National Supporters Survey is the largest of its kind, canvassing the views of supporters up and down the country. We want fans to tell us what really matters to them in 2017.”
Despite being a comprehensive survey covering a range of topics, it should take the average user around eight to ten minutes to complete.
The results of the survey will be published before the start of the 2017-18 season.
The Foxes Trust would also remind Trust members to complete the member’s survey that was e-mailed out recently covering member’s experiences of the Champions League and whether views have changed about safe standing from the original 2012 survey. If you haven’t received the Foxes Trust survey e-mail mail@foxestrust.com for a link.