Football Governance Bill: An open letter from FSA supporter groups

170 Supporters Groups co-signed the following letter, with The Foxes Trust and Union FS representing Leicester City Fans…..

Dear party leaders,

Now a general election has been called there is, unfortunately, not enough time to pass the Football Governance Bill.

This legislation contained key principles which would block future breakaway leagues, improve financial sustainability, protect club heritage and give fans a greater say in how the game and the clubs they love are run.

There was cross party support for the bill which was endorsed by football supporters up and down the land – including the FSA’s own member groups whose influence greatly helped to shape the legislation.

Football supporters are now calling on all political parties to give a commitment to include this bill in their manifesto and, should they win the election, to work with the FSA in a new Parliament to reintroduce legislation in the first King’s Speech.

The full list of supporters groups who signed the letter can be accessed here