LCFC Fan Engagement – The latest ‘Your Ninety Minutes’

Whilst Jim wasn’t able to give a commitment to introduce safe standing in advance of ground redevelopment, there’s a realisation, with thirteen Premier League clubs now having rail seating, that LCFC are perhaps falling behind with its introduction.

Catering – Supporters felt that catering inside the ground has not improved.

The variety of food may be better but the service provided by staff on the concourse outlets remains poor and it’s hit and miss whether cooked produce will be hot, cold or burnt.

Jim advised that the Compass Group continue provide catering on the concourse and the Operations Director is demanding improvements from them. Outlets outside the ground are not run by Compass and the variety and quality of food has improved.

You can read more about the LCFC Engagement Framework on the club’s website – A guide to fan engagement at Leicester City Football Club